Archives: Episode

  • An Invitation, Part 2

    An Invitation, Part 2

    The Creative Commons and public domain contains a wealth of images, music and more. The images used in these show notes link back to the contributors. Intro music: Kai Engel Walking Barefoot on Grass Outro music: The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps: United States National Anthem (The Star Spangled Banner) Download…

  • The Invitation

    The final chapter of John Burrough’s book, Wake-Robin. Burroughs invites you to become a birder, describing the thrill of seeing the natural world around you through a new lens. The Creative Commons and public domain contains a wealth of images, music and more. The images used in these show notes link back to the contributors. Intro music:…

  • Bluebird


    Chapter 7 of Wake-Robin, by naturalist John Burroughs. The Creative Commons and public domain contains a wealth of images, music and more. The images used in these show notes link back to the contributors. Intro music: Kai Engel Walking Barefoot on Grass Outro music: The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps: United…

  • Rock Creek, Piney Branch, and Wilderness beyond the Capitol

    Rock Creek, Piney Branch, and Wilderness beyond the Capitol

    The Creative Commons and public domain contains a wealth of images, music and more. The images used in these show notes link back to the contributors. Intro music: Kai Engel Walking Barefoot on Grass Outro music: The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps: United States National Anthem (The Star Spangled Banner) Download Wake-Robin by…

  • Spring in the Capitol

    Spring in the Capitol
  • Birds’ Nests, Part 2

    Birds’ Nests, Part 2

    The Creative Commons and public domain contains a wealth of images, music and more. The images used in these show notes link back to the contributors. Intro music: Kai Engel Walking Barefoot on Grass Outro music: The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps: United States National Anthem (The Star Spangled Banner) Download Wake-Robin by…

  • Birds’ Nests, Part 1

    Birds’ Nests, Part 1

    Beginning Chapter 4 of Wake-Robin, by naturalist John Burroughs. A detailed look at the nesting habits of Red-headed Woodpeckers, Yellow-bellied Woodpeckers, Pine Siskins, Cedar Waxwings, Robins and  Indigo Buntings. Burroughs marvels at the dirty jobs parent birds must endure to keep their nests clean for their young. Any parent who has changed a dirty diaper…

  • The Lower and Upper Ironworks and the Abandoned Town, Tahawus

    The Lower and Upper Ironworks and the Abandoned Town, Tahawus

    The second half of the third Chapter, the Adirondacks. Continuing with a timeless bit of bird therapy, Burroughs wakes from a nap in the woods to find himself under scrutiny of the wood birds. Visiting Lake Sanford, fishing in Nate’s Pond and a 12 mile hike to the Lower Ironworks with views of Mount Mercy,…

  • The Adirondacks

    The start of chapter three of Wake-Robin by naturalist, John Burroughs. Burroughs and a group of fishing companions depart for the Boreas Reach near Lake Placid, New York. Burroughs demonstrates his skill as a trout fisherman, earning the respect of their guide. Hunting at night on an open lake, the starlight reflected in the center…

  • The Forenoon Chorus of Finches, Thrushes and Warblers

    The Forenoon Chorus of Finches, Thrushes and Warblers

    This episode concludes the second chapter of Wake-Robin, by John Burroughs. Lounging on a couch of moss in the shady woods, the gentleman rambler and naturalist allows his attention to wander from species to species. He points out the the Ruby-throated Hummingbird and the song of the Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Scarlet Tanager. He marvels at…

  • Reverence for the Hermit Thrush, Disdain for the Kingbird and Pewee, and Banter with the Ovenbird

    Reverence for the Hermit Thrush, Disdain for the Kingbird and Pewee, and Banter with the Ovenbird

    Nineteenth-century naturalist and essayist, John Burroughs gives a detailed account of the Hermit Thrush’s song. For him, it is the finest sound in nature; the peace and deep solemn joy only the finest souls may know. Strolling the undomesticated wilderness, greeted by the Wood Pewee and Eastern Kingbird. Documenting the curiosity and confidence of the…

  • In the Hemlocks, a Guided Tour of a Primitive, Undisturbed Forest and the Avifauna Living There

    In the Hemlocks, a Guided Tour of a Primitive,  Undisturbed Forest and the Avifauna Living There

    The start of Wake-Robin, chapter 2, In the Hemlocks. Author and gentleman rambler, John Burroughs, begins a guided tour in the hemlocks. Years before, townsfolk, tanners, and lumbermen attempted in vain to tame and exploit the grove. But nature proved uncooperative and the effort abandoned. By his account, the spirit and energy of the wilderness…

  • The Scarlet Tanager and the Dog Days of August, and, Finally, the Silent End of the Season

    The Scarlet Tanager and the Dog Days of August, and, Finally, the Silent End of the Season

    Reaching the end of Chapter 1 in John Burroughs classic nature study, Wake Robin, the gentleman rambler describes the birds of July, the Scarlet Tanager, compares the Peewee’s hunting prowess and efficiency on the wing to the Chipping Sparrow, or Socialis fumbling pursuit of a month. The marvel and spectacle when the pigeon hawk, now…

  • John Burroughs Shares His Admiration for the Aristocratic Wood Thrush, Praise for the Soulful Veery, Some Criticism for the Catbird, and an Encounter with a Black Snake

    John Burroughs Shares His Admiration for the Aristocratic Wood Thrush, Praise for the Soulful Veery, Some Criticism for the Catbird, and an Encounter with a Black Snake

    Naturalist and gentleman rambler John Burroughs was born 183 years ago on April 3, 1837. We’re grateful to carry on his work. Continuing where we left off in episode 3, we pick up in the first chapter of his book Wake-Robin. John Burroughs focuses on the thrushes. He details the grace and ease of the Wood…

  • Yellow-billed and Black-billed Cuckoos, White-eyed Vireos, and a Side-by-Side Comparison of the Hermit Thrush and Wood Thrush Bird Songs

    Yellow-billed and Black-billed Cuckoos, White-eyed Vireos, and a Side-by-Side Comparison of the Hermit Thrush and Wood Thrush Bird Songs

    Naturalist John Burroughs quotes ‘To the Cuckoo’ by William Wordsworth. He considers in detail the White-eyed Vireo’s skilled mimicry in her mid-summer song and how it may rival the mockingbird’s own ability. Burroughs shares observations on how elevation might impact and effect the distribution of species in the Town of Highlands, New York.  And concludes…

  • Welcoming the Birds of March, April and May

    Welcoming the Birds of March, April and May

    Credits & Links: Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in this episode from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology American Robin  Bluebird Phoebe bird Kingbird Northern Flicker 1 Northern Flicker 2 Tufted Titmouse White-breasted Nuthatch Eastern Meadowlark Northern Bobwhite Ruffed Grouse Barn Swallow Greater Prairie Chicken Great Horned Owl…

  • Introduction: Presenting Live Birds and not just Stuffed and Labeled Specimens

    Introduction: Presenting Live Birds and not just Stuffed and Labeled Specimens

    Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in this episode from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Winter Wren Eastern Bluebird American Robin Intro music: Kai Engel Walking Barefoot on Grass Outro music: The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps: United States National Anthem (The Star…

  • Second Edition Trailer

    Second Edition Trailer

    It’s the best time of the year. The parade begins. As Winter retreats Spring leans in. The birds are returning. And so is our show.

  • Episode 18: Epilogue – 149 Years Later

    Episode 18: Epilogue – 149 Years Later
  • Episode 17: In praise of John Audubon, with a couple backhanded compliments and a correction

    Episode 17: In praise of John Audubon, with a couple backhanded compliments and a correction

    John Burroughs praises Audubon’s life’s work, yet questions some of Audubon’s assertions about comparisons between the Louisiana Waterthrush’s song and the European Nightingale’s, the Bobolink’s and the Blue Grosbeak’s. Burroughs appreciates the volume of Audubon’s catalog, and offers two of his own to add to the collection. Click the links below for details about the…

  • Episode 16: An Invitation

    Episode 16: An Invitation

    Burroughs invites you to become a birder, describing the thrill of seeing the natural world around you through a new lens. Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in this episode from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Wood Duck Yellow-rumped Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Red-eyed Viero White-eyed Viero…

  • Episode 15: The Bluebird

    Episode 15: The Bluebird

    Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in this episode from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Eastern Bluebird European Robin Western Bluebird House Wren Intro music: Kai Engel Walking Barefoot on Grass Outro music: The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps: United States National Anthem…

  • Episode 14: Strolling through Rock Creek and Piney Branch, Wilderness beyond the Capitol with the Blue-grey Gnatcatcher, Yellow-breasted Chat and Cardinal

    Episode 14: Strolling through Rock Creek and Piney Branch, Wilderness beyond the Capitol with the Blue-grey Gnatcatcher, Yellow-breasted Chat and Cardinal

    Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in this episode from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Wood Thrush Veery Kentucky Warbler Blue-grey Gnatcatcher Northern Water Thrush Yellow-breasted Chat Cardinal Grosbeak Red-headed Woodpecker Intro music: Kai Engel Walking Barefoot on Grass Outro music: The United States Army Old Guard…

  • Episode 13: Spring in the Capitol, the Sylvian Chorus, Bluebirds, Robins, Snowbirds, Meadowlarks, Sparrows and Crows

    Episode 13: Spring in the Capitol, the Sylvian Chorus, Bluebirds, Robins, Snowbirds, Meadowlarks, Sparrows and Crows

    Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in this episode from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Intro music: Kai Engel Walking Barefoot on Grass Outro music: The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps: United States National Anthem (The Star Spangled Banner) Download Wake-Robin by John Burroughs…

  • Episode 12: Snowbird nests, Grosbeak nests, Hummingbird nests, and the Baltimore Oriole builds the best nest of all

    Episode 12: Snowbird nests, Grosbeak nests, Hummingbird nests, and the Baltimore Oriole builds the best nest of all

    Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in this episode from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Blue Grosbeak Black-and-White Warbler Blue-headed Vireo Mourning Warbler Red-tailed Hawk Baltimore Oriole Intro music: Kai Engel Walking Barefoot on Grass Outro music: The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps:…

  • Episode 11: Birds’ Nests and the Lengths Parent Birds Go to Keeping the Place Clean

    Episode 11: Birds’ Nests and the Lengths Parent Birds Go to Keeping the Place Clean

    Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in this episode from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Cedar Waxwing Red-headed Woodpecker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker American Robin Black-capped Chickadee Indigo Bunting Intro music: Kai Engel Walking Barefoot on Grass Outro music: The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps:…

  • Trailer: Return of the Birds

    Return of the Birds combines a 19th Century nature study with 21st century audio of the birdsongs described in the charming narrative.  In short, Return of the Birds is the serialized audiobook podcast of Wake-Robin by renowned naturalist and essayist, John Burroughs.  Wake-Robin is 148-year-old nature study of various birds’ spring migrations, summer residencies and…

  • Episode 10: Hiking to the Upper Ironworks and Indian Pass, Taking the Pulse of Mother Nature

    Episode 10: Hiking to the Upper Ironworks and Indian Pass, Taking the Pulse of Mother Nature

    Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in this episode from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Black-capped Chickadee Cedar Waxwing Ruby-throated Hummingbird Intro music: Kai Engel Walking Barefoot on Grass Outro music: The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps: United States National Anthem (The Star…

  • Episode 9: August in the Adirondacks, Deer Hunting at Night

    Episode 9: August in the Adirondacks, Deer Hunting at Night

    Credits & Links:​ Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in this episode from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Purple Finch Pine Siskin Vesper Sparrow White-throated Sparrow American Robin White-breasted Nuthatch Intro music: Kai Engel Walking Barefoot on Grass Outro music: The United States Army Old Guard Fife…

  • Episode 8: Partridge Drumming, the Cowbirds’ deception, and so many Warblers in the Barkpeelings

    Episode 8: Partridge Drumming, the Cowbirds’ deception, and so many Warblers in the Barkpeelings

    Completing a late afternoon stroll in the Barkpeelings. Lounging on a moss sofa, listening to the chorus. Observations on the Cowbirds’ egg-depositing-deception and dereliction of parenting duty. Credits & Links: Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in this episode from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Ruby-throated…

  • Episode 7: Reverence for the Hermit Thrush, but None for the Pewee

    Episode 7: Reverence for the Hermit Thrush, but None for the Pewee

    The heavenly Hermit Thrush. Commentary about the cowardly Eastern Kingbird. The Wood Pewee’s plainness. Praise for the Ovenbird Click here to listen to Episode 1. Click here to listen to Episode 2. Click here to listen to Episode 3. Click here to listen to Episode 4. Click here to listen to Episode 5. Click here…

  • Episode 6: Into the Hemlocks

    Episode 6: Into the Hemlocks

    “And what is a bird without its song? It seems to me I do not know a bird till  I’ve heard its voice.” John Burroughs’s second essay, Into the Hemlocks featuring the red-eyed vireo, the winter wren and veery. Thoughts on taking specimens for study, Blackburnian warbler and the blue yellow-backed warbler, now known as the Northern Parula.…

  • Episode 5: Scarlet Tanager and the End of the Season

    Episode 5: Scarlet Tanager and the End of the Season

    The scarlet tanager and the birds of summer. Observations of the hawk and the end of the season. Click here to listen to Episode 1. Click here to listen to Episode 2. Click here to listen to Episode 3.   Credits & Links: Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in…

  • Episode 4: Veery, Grey Catbird and a Snake Encounter

    Episode 4: Veery, Grey Catbird and a Snake Encounter

    The princely disposition of the wood thrush, the cool notes of the veery, the pretense of the gray catbird and a black snake picks the wrong spot to relax.  Click here to listen to Episode 1. Click here to listen to Episode 2. Click here to listen to Episode 3. Credits & Links: Click the…

  • Episode 3: Welcome Back Cuckoos, Warblers & Thrushes

    Episode 3: Welcome Back Cuckoos, Warblers & Thrushes

    Click here to listen to Episode 1. Click here to listen to Episode 2. Credits & Links: Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in this episode from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Yellow billed Cuckoo Bobolink Black-billed Cuckoo Wood Thrush 1 Wood Thrush 2 Field Sparrow…

  • Episode 2: Welcome Back Flycatchers, Woodpeckers & Thrushes

    Episode 2: Welcome Back Flycatchers, Woodpeckers & Thrushes

    Burroughs describes robin’s ramshackle nest, the under appreciated socialis, or song sparrow, and his affection for the northern flicker.

  • Episode 1: Introduction

    Episode 1: Introduction

    Click the links below for details about the bird vocalizations used in this episode from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Winter Wren Eastern Bluebird American Robin Intro music: Kai Engel Walking Barefoot on Grass Outro music: The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps: United States National Anthem (The Star…